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Pineapple for Weight Loss – Rapid weight-loss and a toxin-free body in 5 days

High in vitamin C and fibre and low in calories, a couple of slices of pineapplemake a great addition to a healthy breakfast or afternoon snack. … Nicknamed the ‘natural weight loss food’, pineapple contains no fat and has a low calorie count which makes it a ‘low energy density fruit’

Mono diets have been unfairly demonized, simply because some of them are quite drastic and last way too long. The Pineapple Diet doesn’t fall into that category and it can definitely help you detox and lose a few pounds along the way.

The Pineapple Diet is a low-calorie diet so it can be an effective way to lose a few pounds. The biggest problem is what you do once the diet is over. After all that pineapple there’s an increased risk of overeating unless you show some self-control.

The Benefits Of Pineapple

Pineapple has few calories but high water content thus it has a diuretic effect. Combined with its high fiber content that facilitates the digestion, a diet based on this fruit also has detoxification effects, cleansing the body of harmful substances, accumulated over time as a result of unhealthy eating habits and lifestyle. The pineapple also contains bromelain, a mixture of protein-digesting enzymes that works as an anti-inflammatory agent and is an efficient fat burner.

Pros and Cons

Mono-diets have a bad reputation, but if followed correctly they can be very efficient. The Pineapple Diet has a few pros that made it quite popular:

– The ingredients are easy to find and prepare.

– It is a valid solution for quickly losing a few pounds.

– Besides weight-loss it also acts as a detox diet.

Since nothing is perfect, this diet also comes with a few cons:

 It requires only a few ingredients so it is monotonous.

– Because the pineapple has diuretic effects, during the diet you will retain fewer liquids and your body will be deprived of several nutrients. As a result, you have to be very careful of what you eat once the diet is over so you don’t gain back weight faster than you lost it.

– You cannot follow this diet for a long time because it increases the risk of heart disease, kidney problems and even loss of muscle mass.

5-day Diet Plan

For best results use only fresh pineapple, not canned.

Breakfast: 2-3 slices of pineapple, 1 cup low-fat yogurt, oatmeal

Snack: 1 glass of pineapple juice, 1 slice of toasted rye bread, 1 boiled egg

Lunch: A simple broth prepared with the vegetables of your choice, grilled fish or chicken

Snack: 1 glass of pineapple juice, low-fat pineapple yogurt (or even better – you could just mix some finely chopped pineapple with plain yogurt)

Dinner: Chicken and pineapple salad

Besides pineapple juice you can drink water and unsweetened tea – green tea for example can assist your weight-loss efforts, and so would lemon water (it’s mildly acidic so it helps the digestion).


All you have to do is stick to this menu for 5 days. It’s rather calorie-depriving and offers very little variety but it’s harmless for someone with no health problems. Also, this is certainly not a suitable diet if you need to lose more than a few pounds since you can only follow it for the recommended 5-day duration. Because you’ll be getting a lot of liquids and quit all processed foods The Pineapple Diet will also help your body detox.


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